
Fun Relationship Exercises for Couples

Have you hit a rocky patch in your romantic relationship? You’re not alone. Everyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that these are bound to happen occasionally. After all, you’re both human and can’t agree all the time. If you get to a point where you squabble frequently or feel disconnected from  one another, you may consider marriage counseling or couples therapy. It’s a great way to deepen your connection and rekindle your love for one another.

Marriage counseling is about more than showing up to sessions, though. One of the common marriage counseling tips you might discover when searching online, or even once you begin therapy, is that rebuilding your relationship takes effort outside of each session, too. That’s why we have compiled this beginners list of  activities to strengthen your relationship that you and your partner can try on your own.

What Activities Can Couples Do To Strengthen Their Relationship?

There are many activities out there that you can try with your partner to set a spark between you. The ultimate goal of these activities is to improve communication, build trust, and reconnect with one another. Some of the recommended exercises are more serious and you may want to do that with a reliable counselor, such as listing the things you love about the other person as well as one or two complaints you have in your relationship and then sharing that list with one another. Others, like what we’ve listed here, allow you to have fun while strengthening your relationship. 

We take a look at some of the more fun relationship building activities for couples in the next few sections. You can even do some of these couple bonding activities at home.

What Are Some Communication Exercises for Couples?

These activities work to improve both your communication and your active listening skills:

  • Copycat Exercise: You and your partner will need blocks for this activity. The two of you should sit back to back. One of you should build something out of the blocks. Then, once completed, you will explain to your partner how to build what you built. Once done, compare results. Repeat however many times you see fit, but you should both give directions at least once.
  • Obstacle Course: One of you should stand in a room alone. The other person should set up obstacles in a different room. These can be books laying on the floor, chairs blocking normal entry ways, etc. Once completed, tie a blindfold around your partner’s eyes. Without touching them, give them directions on how to get around the obstacles until they reach the other side of the room. You should each take a turn setting up obstacles and guiding the other person at least once.
  • Museum Visit: Go to a museum together and see the same exhibits. Once you’re done, discuss what parts you liked and what you didn’t. Listen to each other’s opinions without arguing. If you would rather, you can also do a book club between you two instead. Read the same book and share opinions on it once you’ve both completed it.

What Are Some Trust Building Exercises for Couples?

These activities allow you to build trust on a small level so that it’s much easier for you to practice it on a larger level:

  • Home Improvement Project: This could be something as small as repainting a portion of the house or as big as building a garden. Whatever you decide, this activity builds trust by teaching you to rely on the other person for help without bossing them around. It even helps with communication because you have to decide what you want to do for your project (what color to paint, what flowers to grow, etc.) together. And you’ll have a constant reminder of the work you did together every time you see your completed project.
  • Take Turns Planning Dates: This exercise is especially useful in relationships where one person might make more decisions than the other person. By taking turns planning dates, you show your partner that you trust them to plan something that you’ll both end up enjoying. And, if all goes well, you’ll have some new, fun memories from it.
  • Create a Dream Board: Sharing your dreams with your partner and allowing them to share with you will build trust between you two. Not only should you discuss your dream boards, but you should also figure out a rough timeline of when you want them to happen and how you two can work together to achieve them.

What Are Good Relationship Building Activities for Fun?

Rekindling the spark in a relationship is just as important as developing clear communication and building trust. These emotional bonding activities for couples can help with that spark:

  • Recreate a Date: Think of one of the first or most enjoyable dates you two had with one another. Recreate that date by visiting the same restaurant, doing the same activities, and/or eating and drinking the same things. This will allow you to relive a time that made you both happy, remember good memories and make more.
  • Plan a Trip: Travel someplace neither of you has been before. This could be to a new country, a new state, or even to a town not too far away. Because neither of you have been there before, you will create new memories with just the two of you and make that place special to your relationship.
  • Start a New Hobby: Find some sort of activity that both of you are interested in trying. This could be taking a cooking class, working out together, or even learning to sail. Whatever you two are feeling, try it out. A new hobby can also help with trust building, as you will have to rely on one another as you both learn.

If you have tried some of these activities and realize that you still need some help in growing your romantic relationship, building trust, or improving communication, marriage counseling and couples therapy can help. Our specialists have over 500 years combined experience just with couples, and are here to assist you on your journey. 

Rebuild a Fun Relationship at Well Marriage Center

At Well Marriage Center, we want to see your relationship succeed as much as you do. That’s why we take a pro-relationship approach to counseling. We believe in your relationship, and we focus on making your marriage work instead of suggesting divorce unless absolutely necessary. If you are ready to improve communication, rebuild trust, and rekindle the fire in your relationship, then seek out our therapists at Well Marriage Center. We know this step can be scary, but don’t worry. We have faith in your relationship, and counseling will only make your relationship stronger. Get started with scheduling an appointment here.