The Evolution of Marriage Counseling – Does It Work?
Couples Therapy, Culturally Diverse, Marriage Counseling, Success Stories/
Over the past few decades, couples therapy has evolved significantly, adapting to changing societal norms, advancements in research, and emerging therapeutic approaches.

Can a Marriage Survive Lack of Communication?
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Marriage CounselingWhat really causes communication problems in a relationship? Can a marriage survive without resolving those issues? Read more here.

How Can I Improve Communication with My Husband or Wife?
Advice, Anger, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Marriage CounselingExplore ways to communicate better with your partner, whether they’re withdrawn, aggressive, or somewhere in between.
Why Do Men Struggle to Communicate?
Advice, Communication, Marriage CounselingThere are some common stereotypes about why some men struggle to communicate. We explore them and offer tips on better communication.
Solution to Lack of Communication in Marriage
Advice, Anger, Communication, Marriage CounselingFrom lack of listening to accusatory statements, resolving relationship communication issues is essential for couples to respect one another. Many couples list communication as a major problem…
How Can I Improve Communication in My Marriage?
Communication, Marriage CounselingDiscover what causes communication to break down in a marriage and how you and your partner can reignite positive conversations.
What To Expect in Couples Therapy After Infidelity
Affair Recovery, Affairs, Marriage CounselingIf you’ve found this article, you’re likely in a difficult place with your romantic partner.
Infidelity can be a staggering blow to any relationship, and the resulting pain can make…
What Are the Different Kinds of Couples Therapy?
Advice, Communication, Marriage CounselingJust like there are many kinds of couples, there are many kinds of couples therapy. Each approach to couples therapy is rooted in its own specific theories about relationships, emotions, and human...

What Techniques Do Marriage Counselors Use?
Advice, Marriage CounselingLet’s talk a bit about marriage & couples counseling, some things you can expect in a session, and how we believe it can help any relationship—including yours!
What Is the Most Effective Form of Couples Therapy?
Advice, Marriage CounselingYour therapist will draw from and combine these techniques (plus others!) in a customized plan that targets your relationship's unique needs and goals. Let’s review some of the techniques.

Couples Therapy Techniques
Advice, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Marriage CounselingWe know the most up to date practices and proven scientific approaches that help all interpersonal relationships, including how to handle vulnerability, complex pasts...
How Do You Know if Your Marriage Needs Counseling?
Advice, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesIf your relationship feels tense, stale, or disconnected, it doesn’t mean it’s time to call it quits. Instead, consider working with a couples therapist to find ways to heal and rekindle...
7 Marriage Counseling Questions to Strengthen Your Relationship
Advice, Marriage CounselingIf you haven’t been to couples therapy before, it’s helpful to know what to expect. A great place to start is this list of the seven most popular marriage counseling questions.
Fun Relationship Exercises for Couples
Advice, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, RomanceFind out what activities to do to improve communication, build trust, and rekindle the flame in your romantic relationship.
Marriage Counseling Tips
Advice, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesAre you wondering how to make the most out of marriage counseling? We have tips to help!
Success Stories: Karen and Peter
Advice, Affair Recovery, Anger, Communication, Hope, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesMeet Karen and Peter, who decided to go to couples counseling after an affair.
Success Stories: Kevin and Paula
Advice, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesSometimes couples wish to share their marriage counseling success stories. We're collecting and celebrating their happiness here! Meet Sydney and Andrew.
Success Stories: Sydney and Andrew
Advice, Communication, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesOn the vulnerability of sharing success stories:
Sometimes a couple wants to share their story. We’re really appreciative of the vulnerability and trust such a feat takes, and we hope…
Success Stories: James and Susan
Advice, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Marriage Counseling, Romance, Success StoriesOn the vulnerability of sharing success stories:
Sometimes a couple wants to share their story. We’re really appreciative of the vulnerability and trust such a feat takes, and we hope…
Success Stories: Nadia and Liam
Advice, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, Success StoriesOn the vulnerability of sharing success stories:
Sometimes a couple wants to share their story. We're really appreciative of the vulnerability and trust such a feat takes, and we hope you…
What Not To Say During Couples Counseling
Advice, Marriage CounselingIs there anything you shouldn’t say to your partner in couples counseling? We explain what to avoid.
Signs Marriage Counseling is Working
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingDiscover how to know when your relationship is benefitting from marriage counseling and what you can do to get the best results.
Can Couples Therapy Help You Fall Back in Love?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingCouples therapy can help you and your partner rekindle your love for one another, even if it feels like those feelings have faded. Find out how.
How Can I Make My Marriage Counseling More Effective?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingLearn what you can do to make your marriage counseling more effective, including coming in with the right mindset and being ready to put in the work
How Do You Know When Marriage Counseling Isn’t Working?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingIf you’re still wondering about the effectiveness of marriage counseling, the fact that the overwhelming majority of couples have a successful experience might help ease your mind.
What Is Talked About During Marriage Counseling?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingFortunately, if you and your partner know what to expect before you begin, it can feel a lot less scary—and you'll likely get more out of the experience.

A Marriage that Heals
Advice, Communication, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, TraumaAs children we all experience woundedness, some more so than others. In addition to struggles from childhood, emotional pain is something we experience and accumulate all throughout life.
Support for Anxiety and Depression in Relationships
Advice, Anxiety, Communication, Depression, Hope, Marriage CounselingOften partners of someone struggling with anxiety will say things like, “there’s nothing to worry about” or “just stop thinking about it” or “it could be worse” or “just cheer up.” These things are ta
What a Marriage Counselor Should Not Say
Advice, Marriage CounselingWhile some reports show that marriage counseling has a positive impact on 70% of couples, the journey to healing your relationship is not always easy. Even if you and your partner agree that therapy
What Should I Not Tell a Marriage Counselor?
Advice, Communication, Marriage CounselingAll relationships go through phases. Sometimes, you’re perfectly in sync with your partner and your personalities just click. You are open when communicating with each other, and you are excited
Marriage Counseling: What Not To Say
Advice, Communication, Marriage CounselingBeginning marriage counseling means you are committed to doing hard work to restore your relationship. That work includes speaking your truth about hopes, fears, hurts, and happiness. Reigniting joy
What Are Common Goals In Couples Therapy?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingThe idea of going to marriage counseling can feel like the first domino falling for a failing relationship, but this is a tired and untrue sentiment associated with the practice. Deciding that therapy
What Questions Does a Marriage Counselor Ask?
Marriage CounselingSo, you’re thinking about marriage counseling - that’s great! Marriage (or pre-marriage) counseling is a fantastic way to create or renew a healthy, happy relationship with your partner.
50 Marriage Counseling Questions for Before and During Marriage
Advice, Communication, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingMarriage counseling—to some, it indicates failure. To others, it’s a sign of hope. And to many, it’s new and unknown territory, one that might have you Googling “marriage counseling tips”
How Long Is Too Long for Couples Therapy?
Advice, Marriage CounselingIt can be intimidating and scary to join the 49% of couples who attend marriage counseling (or to be part of the 52% who are interested in trying it). Whether you’re currently going to sessions
Average Length of Marriage Counseling
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingThere’s no sugar-coating it—successful relationships sometimes require genuinely hard work. In some cases, adding the pressures of married life (not to mention kids, a lost job, family tragedy, and so
What is the Difference Between Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy?
Advice, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, TraumaThe adage that tells everyone, “50% of marriages end in divorce,” does not have to be your reality if you find the right couples specialist. It all depends on what you do when your relationship feels
How Long Do Couples Usually Go to Counseling?
Marriage CounselingChallenging issues in a relationship can be tough to work through on your own. And research tells us that it takes over two and a half years before couples attempt to address their concerns through
How Long Does Marriage Counseling Take?
Advice, Communication, Hope, Marriage CounselingHow much time would you be willing to spend a week to get a happier, healthier, more enriching relationship with your spouse or partner? Marriage counseling sessions typically take around 50 minutes
What Percentage of Marriages Survive After Counseling?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingIf you’re struggling in your relationship, you might be considering marriage counseling—also known as couples therapy. But marriage counseling can be daunting to consider for some.
Is Marriage Counseling Really Worth It?
Advice, Hope, Marriage CounselingYes—marriage counseling is worth it. It’s an opportunity to come together with your partner, away from the hustle and bustle of life, and solely focus on each other. Many couples find their
Our Angry Marriage
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingCarl and Jessica live right here in Wilmington and have been married for 13 years. They came to see me for marriage counseling because of physical intimacy problems and ...
Culturally Diverse Marriage
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Culturally Diverse, Marriage CounselingJorge and Kim* came to see me a short while ago here in our Herndon office for marriage counseling. Jorge was from Colombia and Kim was also from Columbia: the one in South Carolina.
Surviving an Affair
Affair Recovery, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Marriage Counseling, TraumaThe most common question we get at Well Marriage Center is some form of: “Can my marriage really survive an affair?” The answer is Yes.
A Thank You Letter
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, Parenting, TraumaTime and again we are inspired by the couples we work with. The email Dr. Steve Brown received recently represents the best of what our mission and hope is for our Northern Virginia communities. Good marriage counseling is more than just helping couples deal with an immediate problem.
Coming in Second
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingOne of my recent couples, I will call them Jim and Diana, came to me with a very familiar struggle. Diana had a difficult time accepting that Jim would work late. When he did come home, he quickly turned on the computer or the TV. Even though she would often suggest they have a date night or watch a show together, Jim would find reasons to isolate himself.
Communication Problems
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingJeff and Cindy came to their first marriage counseling session anxious to repair their 15 year relationship. The session started like most, me getting to know them and learning a bit more about their story. As we explored their marital strengths it was clear they deeply loved each other, but that love was now being questioned by each of them.
A Happy Couples Blog Post
Advice, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingWe wanted to pass along a popular blog post in case you haven’t read it. In 2009 Dr. Mark Goulston authored one of the most-read couples related blog posts on the widely popular “Psychology Today” website.
Long Winter of Marriage
Hope, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingThe wind is blowing here at the Well Marriage Center office again and Mary Baker tells me the high tomorrow is not expected to even hit 30 degrees. I caught myself referring to this season as “Old Man Winter,” the personification my own father used to use when winter stayed too long. It has been too long. We all feel it.
Marriage Bonding Analogy
Hope, Intimacy, Marriage CounselingI want to pass along a wonderful email from one of our clients after their very first visit with us. He wrote it himself and gave us permission to share it. Marriage analogies are hit and miss but this one seems like a home run.
Our Marriage Had To Change
Advice, Affair Recovery, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Hope, Intimacy, Marriage Counseling, TraumaSeveral of our couples have sent us the link to "The Third Metric," a feature story from the The Huffington Post about 4 couples who are prioritizing well-being and fun ahead of wealth, status, and being constantly "on."
Welcome Dr. Shani Glaudè
Marriage Counseling
Once again we’re excited to announce that an outstanding couple’s counselor is joining Well Marriage Center to help provide the highest quality of marriage counseling in Northern…
Men’s Support Group
Marriage CounselingAs a staff we're always paying attention to the greatest needs of our couples. We're constantly evaluating what is working and what isn't. Are there other supports that are needed? Lately…
Hopeful Spouse Counseling
Marriage CounselingKaren called me last week with a familiar refrain: "Glen, we're sinking...our marriage is falling apart. BUT, my husband doesn't want to come in for counseling. Can you help us?"
The Truth…
Communication 101 Coaching!
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Marriage CounselingWell Marriage Center is launching a new marital wellness program!
Our Communication 101 Coaching program actually emerged from a powerful statement and moment during one of our Communication…
Good Marriage Counselor
Marriage Counseling6 months ago Roger and Dianne called me to discuss some difficulties they’ve been experiencing during their 12 year marriage. At the end of our conversation Roger told me, “Glen, we’ve…
On Predicting Divorce
Marriage CounselingThe Four Horsemen of the Relationship Apocalypse
With the news always sounding like it's the end of the world, I thought it would be a fitting time to address the difficult reality of…
The Longest Married Couple
Marriage Counseling"Honey, I still love you"
The honoring of one's life is a sacred ritual, a celebration of legacy and achievement and a life well lived. We at Well Marriage Center tip our hats and acknowledge/celebrate…
Communication 101
Marriage CounselingYes, it might be a bit cliche to emphasize healthy communication for a healthy marriage, but that doesn't make it wrong. It just means you aren't alone if you're struggling with it. Every…
Take Back Your Marriage!
Marriage CounselingWe at Well Marriage Center are unabashed fans of Dr. William (Bill) Doherty. His book, Take Back Your Marriage: Sticking Together in a World that Pulls us Apart, is often something we recommend…
Healthy TEAM Parenting
Marriage CounselingA couple came to us last week with this challenge:
“We can’t agree on parenting. We were raised very differently. Many of our arguments center around different ways of raising our…
You CAN Save Your Marriage
Marriage CounselingMy granddaughter, age 3, encountered a see-saw (teeter-totter) for the first time last weekend. She literally giggled out loud with how easily she could move up and down with her 2 year…
Ninja Marriage Counseling!
Marriage CounselingHow do you choose a counselor for your relationship?
You want to know a secret? Actually, it’s pretty much an open secret these days: most therapists don’t enjoy couples counseling. (See…
Marriage Counseling Alexandria VA
Marriage CounselingWelcome to Well Marriage Center! We understand it can be intimidating to consider couples counseling when your relationship runs into difficulty. Plenty of questions run through people’s…
Marriage Counseling McLean VA
Marriage CounselingWelcome to Well Marriage Center! We understand it can be intimidating to consider couples counseling when your relationship runs into difficulty. Plenty of questions run through people’s…
Marriage Counseling in Northern VA
Marriage CounselingWelcome to Well Marriage Center! We understand it can be intimidating to consider couples counseling when your relationship runs into difficulty. Plenty of questions run through people’s…
Marriage Counseling in Leesburg, VA
Marriage CounselingWelcome to Well Marriage Center! We understand it can be intimidating to consider couples counseling when your relationship runs into difficulty. Plenty of questions run through people’s…
Marriage Counseling in Fairfax, VA
Marriage CounselingWelcome to Well Marriage Center! We understand it can be intimidating to consider couples counseling when your relationship runs into difficulty. Plenty of questions run through people’s…
Well Marriage Center Launches!
Marriage CounselingFor years I've heard Glen Denlinger dream about how to best help couples. For 25+ years he has specialized in helping people save and repair their marriage relationships. Back from the…